It is incredibly easy to waste time. It is particularly sinister that certain corporations are dedicated to distracting me and wasting my time, when it is in fact a limited resource. I do not need to be spending on Reddit or Youtube, being sucked down random rabbit holes of wholy useless information. However, blocking them outright is not effective, as often useful information is gated on Reddit, so I’ll disable my blocker then get distracted.
Entries Tagged - "project"
I believe that in all facets of life, anything taken for granted should be examined. For me, this includes how I think about and interface with time. Since beginning research into this topic a few years ago, the French Republican Calendar has continued to fascinate and delight me, so much so to the point that I use decimal time and the republican calendar as my default method of tracking time in my personal life.
SSTOTP is as simple as it gets for a TOTP implementation. The libary can do the following: Generate TOTP Secrets Generate TOTP Tokens Validate TOTP Tokens Tokens are valid for 30 seconds, and a step tolerance of two is implemented to account for clock skew. It has a single standard library dependency, which is base32. At this time, it is considered feature complete. Generating otpauth:// QR codes is left as an exercise to the reader.
This is a straightforward webmention sending and endpoint discovery implementation. It has a single external dependency, which is Deno DOM. It uses this library to find the webmention endpoint within a page.
Kaarten is a simple, portable digital system to keep track of your bibliography for your analog notes. Zettlekasten means “note box”, and is a method for organizing all your thoughts in an organized, retrievable way. If you find such solutions too heavy, try Kaarten - our “deck of cards”. Methodology Consider a paper notebook as a write-once, read-often database. Paper space is limited, so it is pertinent to utilize much of the notebook for frequently referenced information - things like your appointments, thought summaries, or perhaps notes on topics or books you find interesting.