
I'm Alex, a technologist from Calgary, Canada. This is my blog.

For information about myself & my philosophy, see the About, Design, and Values pages.

Miniposts are bookmarks, snippets of thought, and syndicated content from elsewhere.

Longform articles are below, sorted by date.

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Photography, Fall 2010

While cleaning, I discovered an undeveloped roll of Ilford Delta 100. I have not shot that film stock for a very long time. I estimate that I took these photos around ~2010. This was when I was just beginning to experiment with film photography as a medium. I know I took them on my Nikon FE, but at...
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Weekly Update - November 9th, 2022

Trying something new here today. With the recent Twitter fiasco going on I started re-evaluating what I get out of using social media, and condensed it down into two things: I like watching awful people argue with each other I like keeping up with what my friends are up to, and tell them what...
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Travelogue to the Regular Locations of My Dreams

I have noticed a pattern in my dreams. There are places that I dream, that remain consistent, that have no equivalence in the waking world. When I dream them, I can navigate to them, and am confident in where they are located, despite the fact that their location changes from dream to dream....
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