
I'm Alex, a technologist from Calgary, Canada. This is my blog.

For information about myself & my philosophy, see the About, Design, and Values pages.

Miniposts are bookmarks, snippets of thought, and syndicated content from elsewhere.

Longform articles are below, sorted by date.

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Neubrutalism: A Consideration, and Ruleset

I was recently investigating gumroad and was quite pleased with their new design system. I liked how all their features were summed up as simple taglines (“Go from zero to $1”, as an example), and how the vibrant color pallet drew me between each explanitory diagram. At the time, I...
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Permashortlinks & Cloudflare Webworkers

I’ve been investigating more deeply about Indieweb, namely their idea of a permashortlink - put succinctly, it is inevitable that shortlinking providers will either Fold, or Deprecate underused links. This means that relying on them - and they are awfully convenient - is a net negative to the...
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Photography, Winter 2021

These are a collection of photos from last Christmas, winter 2021. They were taken in a single afternoon at the same location - the beach located in Mill Bay, Victoria. All were shot on my Nikon FE2 with a 50mm Series E lens, on Ilford HP5+ Black & White Film, pushed to 1600 ISO. Mill Bay, South...
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