
/ 20 Floréal 231
2 minutes / 352 words

Inspired by evy’s ever-changing manifesto, this evolving document helps guide me towards the life I want to live.


Responsibility is the willingness to take ownership of one’s actions and obligations. It reflects a strong sense of duty and the ability to fulfill commitments with diligence and integrity.

I embrace responsibility when I consider the impact of my choices and strive to make positive contributions throughout my life.

The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Buglakov


What a beautiful head - Alas, there are no brains in it

What a beautiful head - Alas, there are no brains in it.

Cleverness is the ability to think quickly, solve problems creatively, and display intellectual agility (Festina lente). It reflects ingenuity and resourcefulness, the willingness to navigate challenges and find innovative solutions.

I embrace cleverness when I observe my surroundings, make connections, act with wit, and develop my “Hollistic Knowledge”.

There is No Antimemetics Division by qntm
Six Memos for the Next Millenium by Italo Calvino
The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman


Budai with Children & Lanterns

Appreciation is the recognition and gratitude for beauty and significance - in people, experiences, and things. It is acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of life, and fostering a sense of contentment and mindfulness in all things.

I embrace appreciation when I acknowledge the present moment, stop to smell the flowers, and seek to understand complexities in life.

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
Death in the Afternoon by Ernest Hemingway


Resilience is the capacity to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity, setbacks, or challenges. It embodies the ability to remain strong, composed and optimistic when navigating tough circumstances.

I am resilient when I persevere through adversity, act with “mental toughness”, and keep a mindset that allows me to grow from failures and setbacks, so that I may emerge stronger and more determined.

How to Cook a Wolf by MFK Fisher
Every Man for Himself and God Against All by Werner Herzog


Versatility is the quality of being adaptable and flexible in different situations or roles. It is to posess a wide range of skills, knowledge, and abilities that let one excel in diverse contexts.

I am versatile when I embrace change, learn new skills (and refine old ones), and effectively navigate new challenges.

CCRU 1997-2003
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72 by Hunter S. Thompson

Image Credits

Hotei and children carrying lanterns
